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I GOT 244 DEATHS HAHA but the game is really good, the screen shaking makes me dizzy tho

Thanks! The full version will definitely have a setting to turn that down haha



Beat the game but found a bug on a replay, walked to the right as robot crushed the wall and it made me clip through the wall making the run locked,

Thanks for playing! I've also noticed that bug, it happens when you're too close to the right of the screen while the screen is shaking. It's patched in newer builds but this page has an older version.


damn this is hard

Sounddesign is absolute awesome


Amazing game!!

Played it after the jam, but the style, movement and sounds are impeccable, also enjoyed everything else. Keep it up!


Fantastic game, I really love how the art and gameplay work together to create a strong atmosphere. Congrats on the high placement!

(1 edit) (+1)

Incredible! I am speechless. <3


I like the game. It was frustrating a little bit in some moments but probably it was intended. One thing I would change is indicating somehow the "jump ball". I almost quit the game because I couldn't see it.

I've gotten a few complaints about the ball, and I totally agree. If I ever update the game I'll make the ball more visible.


I loved the dark mood of the game, it feels like a complete Steam game rather than a jam entry.

My only complaint is how unfair the falling fireballs felt. Too little time to react once we see them, I wish there was a visual indicator at top that warns us.


I'm glad you enjoyed! About the fireballs - they do follow a set pattern when spawning (if one fireball is shot, move to dodge it, if two are shot then stand still). Some players realized that, a lot didn't, so I definitely should've conveyed it better.


Congratulations on such a great game. And congratulations on the results. I'd like to have played this game before to be able to include it in my video with the best games in the jam that I played.  Here's the link if you want to watch it:


I don't usually do this but when I rack up 110 deats and retries under 17 minutes for a jam game, you know it's good :D

ah, I got 118 deaths in 17 minutes. I feel defeated


This is an amazing job! If you really did it during the jam and got 2nd place, it is well deserved. every criterion is done at a very good level!


This game is rather fun