The Martyr (Act 2 Complete)

Hey folks,

Act 2 is finally finished!It still needs a few room tweaks and an intro cut-scene, but for all intents and purposes it's done. It's a bit longer than Act 1, a bit more scenic, and hopefully a bit harder too. The Victim (the little bird) has a cool little arc during the Act, which culminates in a pretty awesome ending cutscene (I may post it here next week, still deciding on if I should spoil it or not).

In the video you can see some attacks The Martyr does during its boss-fight section at the end of the act. It has a neat face-splitting ability among other attacks, all being fire-related of course. It's much more beastly and feral than the Machine from Act 1, probably due to all the damages it sustained (what could've done that...?).

That's all for this week, thanks for reading!

Get The Rat & The Machine

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