Development will continue! What should I add?

This game has seen a lot more success than I'd ever imagine. Nearly 4,000 views and almost 400 downloads! (at the time of writing this) It's absolutely insane, thanks to everyone who played! With all the positive reception and attention this game has received, I've decided to continue developing it!

I have a few ideas on where to go from the current game, but right now the plan is to split the game into 3 acts. The current game will be Act 1, and the next two acts will be of similar length. Each act will have a different creature you play as with it's own moveset, and potentially a new machine to deal with as well. If I do end up doing this, the game will need a new name because it'll no longer be about just a rat.

There's a lot of directions I can take this game, so please let me know what you'd like to see expanded upon! More platforming? More attacks from the Machine? Is my 3-act idea worth pursuing, or should I keep the game short and sweet? I want to make this game truly special, so I'd really appreciate your guy's ideas!

Get The Rat & The Machine


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I absolutely adored playing this game and I'm happy to see you're continuing it! The 3-act structure sounds like it'd work really well. Not sure if you have ideas for the different creatures already, but playing as a spider to swing away from attacks would be cool. Excited to see what other terrifying creatures we'll get to run from!


The spider idea sounds pretty cool actually. The movement might be a bit too complex for the game, I'll see. I've got some wild ideas for some new threats, stay tuned...

Awesome! Cannot wait! Is there a discord server you tend to be active on or somewhere else to keep track of updates? Or is this the best place to find them?

(1 edit) (+1)

I don't use discord much and I don't think there's enough demand for a dedicated server so for now I'll just post updates here.

EDIT: I've changed my mind and made a discord server. Linked in game description. I'll still post updates here though.